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Stephan J. Thliveris

Stephan J. Thliveris specializes in corporate commercial litigation, entertainment law and construction litigation.

Stephan has significant trial and appellate advocacy experience. Stephan has represented clients in the superior courts of Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. Stephan has further successfully argued cases in the Manitoba Court of Appeal and the Federal Court of Appeal. Stephan has also successfully advanced his client’s interests in the Tax Court of Canada.

Cases of Note :

The following cases are some representative reported decisions in which Stephan acted as lead counsel:

Marcel Chartier v. Serge Bibeau - 2022-09-01 Applications for Leave – Dismissed

Marcel Chartier. v. Serge Biebeau, 2022 MBCA 5 (CanLII)

Defamation awards must be proportionate to conduct, says lawyer of dispute between millionaires: By Terry Davidson

Consbec Inc. v. Hollow Water Weri Construction Ltd., 2021 MBQB 32 (CanLII)

Canada (Attorney General) v. Whaling, 2018 FCA 38 (CanLII) — 2018-02-16

Canada (Attorney General) v. Liang,  2018 FCA 39 (CanLII) — 2018-02-16

Nucci et al v Canada (Attorney General),  2015 MBCA 122 (CanLII) — 2015-12-15

Lafreniere v. Barr-Jones et al.,  2011 MBQB 322 (CanLII) — 2011-12-23

Community Activities

Member of The Manitoba Club.

Personal Interests and Hobbies

Stephan is an animal rights advocate and supports CAARE Rescue and the Humane Society of Manitoba. Stephan is a supporter of the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. For recreation Stephan enjoys walking his dogs and is a salt water fish-tank enthusiast.